Investors want to know that you understand the main problem your business solves and how it will address this problem differently from existing solutions. It is important to show how your product will achieve a sustainable competitive advantage.

Provide data about your audience, market size and projections. Also include a roadmap for testing your product-market fit and early results.

AI Tools

AI tools that generate presentations can help you save time and effort, but they are not all created equal. Georgetown University’s Center for New Designs in Learning and Scholarship has compiled an exhaustive list of tools with different purposes and features to meet specific needs.

For example, GPT-PPT is designed to create a presentation outline and draft slides based on a single prompt. It uses natural language processing to understand your intent and the key information that should be covered. Check out more on how to pitch to investors using AI tool such as GenPPT.

However, it feels limited in its ability to comprehend the purpose of a slide and deliver contextual content, with text being generated that would be better suited as a section cover or process diagram rather than a content slide. It also only works within its own app, which can present compatibility issues when exported to a different tool. By contrast, Gamma has a more iterative design approach similar to ChatGPT and delivers better-quality content. It can also be used as a standalone app for collaboration.

Getting Started

Before you meet with investors, research them thoroughly. Look at the industries they invest in, the pain points they’re familiar with, and the types of companies they tend to support. This can give you a sense of what to expect and allow you to tailor your pitch to the investor’s needs.

Be careful not to overload your deck with too much information. Including too many slides with detailed information can be confusing and steal the attention away from key points. Also, don’t include a slide that’s purely marketing fluff; investors will likely be able to spot this and tune you out.

During the presentation, make sure to highlight your team’s background and professional achievements. This will help you establish a sense of trust with the investor and may convince them to move forward with your company. Also, be prepared to answer any questions that arise from the investors. When you do, reply confidently and go back to highlighting the value of your product.

Preparing a Pitch Deck

One of the best ways to get an investor interested in your business idea is to deliver a pitch deck that highlights the company’s value proposition. This involves creating a slide that showcases the unique benefits and product value, as well as providing information like customer acquisition, competitive landscape, and financial projections.

Ensure that your presentation is tailored to the individual audience you are addressing. It is easy for investors to recognize generic slides and they will be less likely to engage with your presentation if it looks rushed or as though it was thrown together.

A great pitch deck also includes a problem slide that clearly identifies a gap in the market that your product will fill, as well as a solution slide that outlines how your product will address the issue at hand. Be sure to include a clear and concise explanation without using too much text and avoid overcrowding the slides with unnecessary information.

Pitch Delivery

Creating an impactful pitch isn’t a solitary endeavour. It takes a team to ensure your visuals stand out, that the copy is clear and concise, and that you deliver your presentation with confidence.

Practice your presentation with non-investors before you go to an investor pitch meeting to polish up your speech and gain confidence, while also making micro-adjustments based on feedback. Holding a test run can also help you identify areas of your presentation that may be confusing to listeners.

During the pitch, focus on conveying your passion and excitement for your product or service to help conceal any nerves you might be feeling. Similarly, it’s important to demonstrate that you understand your audience and the problems they’re experiencing. This helps create a sense of urgency, which can motivate investors to take action. It’s also a good idea to provide a clear call to action, such as scheduling a meeting or signing up for a trial.